Crew Awards

Awards as detailed in the 'London Gazette' - 23rd January, 1941

Fegen, VC

Edward Stephen Fogarty Fegen
Captain - RN
Victoria Cross (Posthumous)

"In honoured memory of Captain E.S. Fogarty Fegen V.C. Officers and men of HMS Jervis Bay, who gave their lives in gallant action against overwhelming odds with a German raider in the North Atlantic November 5, 1940 in order that 36 ships under their care might be saved."

Wood, DSO

Norman Edgar Wood
Lieutenant - RNR ( NAP (MN) )
Distinguished Service Order

"is the senior surviving officer. I was impressed by his modesty and by the manner in which he took charge of the survivors in the Stureholm and since arrival at Halifax."

Butler, DSC

Ronald Alfred Gardyne Butler
Midshipman - RNR
Distinguished Service Cross

"was one of the last to join the raft, having been in the water some time. He immediately took charge and showed outstanding leadership and initiative."

Wood, CGM

James Harold Wood
Leading Seaman - RFR
C/JX 134126
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

"showed outstanding leadership and initiative on the raft after the ship was abandoned. He gave everyone confidence and encouragement and concealed the fact that he was wounded in both thighs."

Bain, DSM

Donald 'Danny' Bain
Seaman - T.RNR
Distingished Service Medal

"was extensively burnt endeavouring to save one of the same gun's crew who was on fire. He had previously been slightly wounded on the scalp."

Barnett, DSM

William Barnett
Assistant Steward - NAP (MN)
Distinguished Service Medal

"was stationed in the foremost shell room, when things went wrong and the lights went out. Barnett stuck to his post endeavouring to get the emergency lighting to work. He would not leave his post until (receiving) orders to do so, although he could serve no useful purpose by remaining below."

Beaman, DSM

George Beaman
Stoker - RCNVR
Distinguished Service Medal

"did excellent work in getting the rafts out and later on dived into the water several times in attempts to"

Castle, DSM

Charles Castle
Petty Officer - RN
C/J 101048
Distinguished Service Medal

"displayed marked courage and leadership both during the action and later on after the ship had been abandoned. His example under most trying circumstances was a great help."

Cooper, DSM

William James Albert Cooper
Able Seaman - RNVR
C/LDX 3515
Distinguished Service Medal

"was sightsetter at P1 gun. Orders had been given to abandon the forecastle and all the surviving men had left except Cooper. He had received no orders through the telepad and remained at his post alone. He stayed there quietly awaiting orders until he realised that the fore part of the ship had been abandoned. Then only did he leave."

Drury, DSM

Dennis Drury
Stoker - NAP (MN)
Distinguished Service Medal

"took a prominent part in organising the launching of the rafts. The ship was being heavily shelled and Drury's coolness and determination were an example to everyone."

Eggleston, DSM

John Christopher Eggleston
Able Seaman - RFR
Distinguished Service Medal

"was No.1 of P2 gun. He was wounded but remained at his post and by his example kept the surviving members of the gun's crew together."

Williamson, MID

Hugh Williamson
Senior Radio Officer
RNR ( NAP (MN) )
Mentioned In Dispatches (Posthumous)

"showed initiative and devotion to duty in passing enemy reports on Home Station frequencies direct to the Admiralty although on the America and West Indies Station. He was killed in the wireless office whilst transmitting the report on a third frequency."

( His award was gazetted as 'Mentioned in Dispatches (Posthumous)' and was exemplified in representing the many among the survivors and those who went down with ship who, if the truth were known, deserved decoration.)